Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why so @#$!~%^&*? Much Money?

Bloomberg News recently asked me again about money and presidential politics. Here are some of my thoughts:

Question: Why are candidates spending SO much more money on the 2008 presidential caucus and primary races than in previous cycles?

Answer: This is an unprecedented presidential campaign because (1) it's the first open race (no incumbent President or VP running) since Eisenhower AND (2) there is no inheritor to the Republican party, (3) the Democrats have a political adversary and target whom they dislike (maybe hate) more than any adversary in 100 years so Dems are giving money in astonishing quantities.Another reason for ESS (The Early Spending Syndrome) is that this is the first election in American history that is so front loaded with killer primaries. This means that it is crucial for candidates do well in Iowa and New Hampshire AND SIMULTANEOUSLY be out of the starting gate for the Feb 5 super event.

All of that adds up to pouring money early to position yourself and to basically drown your opponents.

Question: How much cash must a viable contestant have a month or so ahead of the Iowa caucuses?

Answer: You don't need very much money in Iowa anytime in the cycle. The foolish candidates who have spent Gynormous amounts of money by bringing in their full national campaign org and TV ads fired shotgun style at all 3 million Iowan's when all they need to target are the 100 K or so caucus attendees are fools! All you need is a hotel room, a car, and one intern to line up get together's at homes, diners, and county fair's. Then you get all the free media you want. One reason they have been spending like drunken sailor's (especially John McCain!) is that this year they are using Iowa (and New Hampshire) as a megaphone for the entire nation.

In other words, their Iowa spending and Iowa events are really meant to get national media coverage and to get the BIG M - Momentum.

Question: If you were advising candidates, how would you suggest they deal with Florida and the Feb. 5 states in terms of ground operations & media buys?

Answer: Feb 5 is a must do killer day. Candidates need to have full bore operations up and running in all of the big delegate states that have moved primaries up early, long before the Iowa caucuses and the NH Primary.

If they don't they are politically dead!