Friday, June 08, 2007

Hillary Clinton Q and A

June 2007 - Hillary will be in Iowa, Story Co. this week end. The reporter asked me the following questions.

How important is the visit of Hillary Clinton to Story County (Iowa) for her overall campaign?

Every visit by Clinton is important in building her support in Iowa. Story Co., home of the modern Iowa Caucuses, is an especially significant political pilgimage for Sen Clinton since she is not in first place in the Iowa polls.

Will Hillary win the democratic candidature and why?

It is Sen Clinton's to lose. She has the experience. She is exceptionally intelligent and well educated. She has the Bill Clnton political organization to help her. She is a woman and there is a lot of excitement about a first woman getting elected. Sen Obama is too inexperienced and would make a great VP on a Clinton ticket.

Will she win in Iowa? Who do you think will win and why?

She will come in 1, 2 or 3 which is all that's need to do well in Iowa and go on to win the national nomination. She needs to do VERY well in California, NY, Florida, New Jersey and other states that have huge numbers of delegates to the Dem national convention.How important is winning Iowa to getting the party ticket? Iowa plays a role but it may not be absolutel necessary to win the nomination because the season is so front loaded and (see above) very delegate rich states come so quickly that a strong campaign in those states can overcome a weaker showing in Iowa.

What are some of the weaknesses and strengths of Clinton and her campaign?

Strengths - see above. Weaknesses - many people don't like her personally. Many people do not want another 8 years of Hillary and Bill in the White House. Many leftist Democrats feel she has supported Bush on Iraq for too long and that she has been too moderate (i.e. Conservative) in her position on many issues.

Will Bill Clinton be a positive or negative aspect of her campaign and in what ways?

Bill clinton will be both. He has a huge network, is adored by many Democrats (and Independents) and he is a politica genius. Negative - see above. Clinton is still seen as "sleazy" by many voters including older Democrats who don't think that having your intern give you oral sex in the White House is dignified. In France, LAtin America, other places this might be the opposite!

Overall who do you predict has the strongest chances of winning the democratic presidential candidature?

I think Hillary Clinton has an excellent sht at the nomination. Edwards could do ok as well but he has also come under criticism lately for his $400 haircut and his work for a hedge fund. Barak Obama has a chance to get momentum if he can find his passionate and fully energetic speaking style again which he seems to have lost lately.

Those were my answers. Hold me accountable in Jan 2008!