Monday, October 16, 2006

North Korea. A Partisan Issue or just a PROBLEM?

Ok, so we know that North Korea exploded a nuke (October 2006).

We also know that North Korea has developed missiles capable fo hitting the US West Coast (and, of course, South Korea, Japan, and other neighbors who, by the way, are freaked out about this capability). They tested them and they seemed to fly ok.

The question that came up was "Would the Democrats - say Bill Clinton, or Hil Clinton, or John Edwards, or ... but I digress ..) handle this problem differently from the way the Republicans are doing it?"

The answer is - what difference would it make?

North Korea's leader is determined to have nukes so this poor, miserable country can be "taken seriously" as a player on the world stage. Honestly, I believe that there is no strategy - such as "bilateral talks" with the USA - that will distract the N Korean government from giving up nuclear weapons.

Bill and Hillary Clinton claim that if only Bill was still in charge he could have charmed Kim Jong Il, the self indulgent leader of the North, to give up on the only thing that makes this starving country worth even five second of our time.

Should the US talk "directly" to North Korea?

It does not matter!

North Korea is on a path to becoming a nuclear power (albeit a minor, irrelevant one).

So is Iran and I am afraid to say it, I think Hugo Chavez wants Venezuela to have the "Big One" too.

The NY Times had a very scary article about the new wave of nuclear powers who'd like to be part of the "club" of big boys/girls who posess the ultimate toy. Such a shame. This is one toy that we need to keep in the box and NOT let out!

I wonder how excited the Democrats are about inheriting the White House in 2008 and all the incredible problems that come with that job? I do personally think it is good for parties to alternate power. In a democracy (you can look this up!) it is very important for power to circulate or alternate between the major players. Single party rule is a bad, bad idea.

But, if I were Hillary (or John Edwards, Tom Vilsack, Barack Obama, Ted Kennedy, Al Sharpton, Evan Bayh, John Kerry, or whoever..) I'd be very worried about N Korea and Eye Ran (which will also have nukes soon)!

I think Pres. Bush should send Bill Clinton to Pyongyang. See how far he gets!