Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Rushification of the GOP

Rush Limbaugh is today the only "national leader" the Republican party has.

I have talked to two dozen of my best former students, all of whom are now big shots in the GOP and they all agree with my analysis.

Newt Gingrich is the intellectual guru but he lacks charisma and he's never run anything, balanced a budget, or hired and fired people so the work on the street is that it's gonna be a governor.

Louisiana Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal was the "Great Brown Hope" but he's turned out to be, as one DC "insider" calls him the "Slumdog Governor' (Jindahls family is from India). (Barak "Hussein" Obama suffered from GOP mockery of his middle name and I know several Democrats who call this governor Piyush which is actually his real name. Ain't politics wonderful and cruel!) The truth of the matter is that Slumdog is a compliment - the movie was about heroes who overcome odds and do some wonderful things!

Former Massachusetts governor and businessman Mitt Romney is the "Bidness Solution" together with Mayor Bloomberg of New York, but right now bankers and corporate downsizers are not such a good flavor.

Alaska Governor Sara "Ma" Palin was a temporary wonder who is having all kinds of problems in Alaska and will be bruised and a badly damaged good.

Then there are the other "Midgets in the Woodwork" (one of my best graduates - She's now a GOP political consultant in Seattle) - Gov. Pawlenty of MN, Huckabee, Anti-immigrant Tom Tancredo of Colorado, former NYC Mayor Rudi Giuliani who's still tasting it. How about Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas? Oh yeah there is a household name!

Texas Representative Ron Paul is interesting and certainly has a passionate base and a lot of money.

So why is Rush Limbaugh the leader of the GOP?
1. Because the GOP is so divided Rush is the only clear voice.
2. Because that's the Democrat's strategy
With Rush as the sparring partner the GOP is forced to shift its forces to the fart right front lines and dig their trenches there. Listen to Rham Emmanuel, Pres. Obama and other leading Democrats and you will see that they are aiming their artillery at Rush. Look at what the GOP leaders are forced to do - swing behind El Rushbo or they get spanked!

This will be one of the wildest and most interesting four years until the 2012 presidential election!