Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Political Families - oh the Curse!

The Question is - " How can presidential candidates' families be a help or hindrance on the campaign trail."

The Answer:

There has always been interest in candidate's or president's families.

Jackeline Kennedy was a huge asset to JFK. Glamorous, tolerant of his infidelity, a media personality who spoke several languages and was the "Princess Diana" of her time - adored by crowds around the world.

Senator Ed Muskie "...became the favorite to win the 1972 Democratic Presidential nomination. But being the front-runner for over a year proved difficult. During the New Hampshire primary, Muskie choked with anger and seemed to cry because of a couple of nasty articles in the "Manchester Union Leader." One article proved to be a hoax. The other attacked Muskie's wife. Muskie then attacked publisher William Loeb.
EDMUND S. MUSKIE: (February 1972) By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward. And maybe I said all I should on it. It's fortunate for him he's not on this platform beside me. A good woman--
CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT: The episode came to symbolize the collapse of Muskie's Presidential campaign because of the perception that he was weak (he cried - or it was so cold in New Hampshire that his eyes were watering). Muskie then went back to the Senate and headed the powerful Budget Committee until President Carter tapped him to be Secretary of State in 1980." (see:

Mitt Romney's wife and sons are a swarm of activity, picture perfect, the kids love their dad and mom. Mitt has been married to the same woman all his life. She has Lou Gherig's disease and so is a survivor and in the US fighting an illness is a positive mark of courage.

Rudy Giuliani's kids won't speak to him. His is daughter may be an Obama supporter but she doesn't have the spine to come right out and admit it. Rudy has been married three times and his latest wife the former Judith Nathan, who was the subject of lot's of media attention when, as mayor of New York, he had an affair with her, has gotten some very, VERY rough coverage.

John Edwards is pulling his kids from school in the fall to accompany him and his sick wife on the campaign trail. His wife has been used as a surrogate to attack Hillary Clinton on such issues as "Edwards is stronger on women's issues than Hillary" is sometimes seen as a better politician as John and he's gotten some criticism for "hidig behind her skirt" in attacks against Hil.

Fred Thompson is married to a woman, Jeri Thompson, 24 years younder than he is. Before his rumored campaign began (i.e. when he was just a former Senator and a high priced lobbyist) she was a "hotttie", very attractive and sexy - the New York Times called her a "trophy wife". The question came up as to how she'd work out as a first lady? Comparisons to the French President's wife have been made (she is very independent, has her own foreign policy, often skips dinners and other social events where she (and he) were invited, for example at the Bush family compound in Maine. Here is one analysis of Mrs. Thompson:

"Campaign sources described Jeri Thompson as firm, straightforward and assured of what she wants to do, but unfamiliar with the nuts and bolts of campaigning. Many decisions have been held up awaiting her approval, they say, from routine matters such as travel schedules and car manifests to weightier ones including direct-mail efforts, personnel choices and the timing of the campaign kickoff."

Thompson's professional campaign staff has been very catty about he direct involvement in the day-to-day planning for his campaign launcg "from her kitchen table". see; "RealClearPolitics HorseRaceBlog, By Jay Cost"

And the qustion has come up what kind of a presidential spouse Bill Clinton would make. Rmember he is still reviled and hated by many Americans for his behavior in the White House and for his ignoring the first World Trade Center attack and treating it like a criminal event not the first of a terrorist plot against the United States.

Pat Nixon (Pres Nixon's wife) was a sad figure with bouts of heavy drinking.

Ronald Reagan's kids trashed him for most of his eight years as president and people felt sorry for him and Nancy. Reagan was also divorced. Nancy consulted an astrologer for important advice for the pres.

Hillary was not exactly a tranquil pond during the eight years of Bill Clinton.

So, presidential spouses (all women so far) are a mixed blssing. Candidate spouses and children are also something to work into the equation.